Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Beginning

So this is my first post. I don't think there's any point in going through introductions on who I am and all that because it will most likely be people who know me who read this blog.... and if they aren't reading this, then shame on you all!!! ;o)

At the end of this month I'm leaving for the US to become an au pair for a lovely family in Chicago, Illinois. They have two kids, a girl, (we'll call her S) 13, and a boy (he's J) 8.

So far it seems to all be coming together nicely. I've spent all of today at the US Consulate office in Sydney applying for my visa, which was quite possibly one of the most boring and frustrating things I've ever had to do.

But this is nothing close to how frustrating the au pair matching process was. I was matched with six different families. SIX. I felt so unloved by about the third family. The first family I was matched with screwed me around for about two weeks (we were in constant contact, then suddenly they disappeared off the face of the earth!) and then I heard nothing from any of the subsequent families I was matched with.

One day, out of the blue, I was matched (again) and thought nothing of it. That afternoon though, I checked my email, and what should I find, but this:

Sarah, I will try to reach you on your cell phone this evening at 8pm. My name is F, I'm the mother of two chidren, age 13 (girl- also named S)and J, age 8. We can discuss more on the call tonight and I can call back tomorrow after you have some time to think about some questions you may want toask. Hope to speak to you soon.

And she did call. And we talked for about an hour. Well, she talked, I listened, and made intelligent comments such as, "Uh huh", "Oh, OK", "Sure", "I agree" and "Oh of course!" Wow.

Obviously I won her over with my wit and charm, and the next day she told the agency that she wanted me to be her au pair.

And so I'll be going to live with her, her husband (who I've yet to speak to), S, J and a guinea pig.

If you want to leave a comment (and I should hope you will!!! Especially once I'm gone. Don't make me get out the wooden spoon!), I've put the word verification thing on cos I don't want spam.

Love you long time!!!


Anonymous said...

Nomes was here

Anonymous said...

hey sarah i think ur blogg is a good idea! cant wait to hear about all ur adventures with f , s , j and the guinea pig! im gonna miss u heaps!!