Saturday, May 27, 2006

Cue Annie: ToooooMORROW!!

Ok, so I'm going to try something on this blog that I tried once before and failed miserably (so I got rid of it altogether): adding more than one picture to a post.

"NOOO!" I hear you cry. "It canna be done!" Fear not! If it doesn't work I'll just re-edit this post and include a link to the photos, but that's nowhere near as much fun.

So this week has just been a week of "last this" and "last that", at least for the next 12 months.

First, it was the last time I'll see Jenni for a long time:

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It was good catching up and having lunch... and one last grocery shopping trip for old times' sake. Possibly the only fun part about working at NAB was the Wednesday night shopping trip with Jenni for our lunches for the next week.

It was my last trivia night, which ended on a high note with us winning, and legitimately too, I might add- Bob barely even helped us!!

Here's what our table looks like when we leave it every week:

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Here's Bob presenting us with our prize money:

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And one group shot with Bob. I think the reason it's blurry was that I decided to hold the camera myself...

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Ahhh, precious memories!! It may even be my last trivia ever- who knows whether you guys will still be going this time next year??

I also said goodbye to Daniel and Lesia on Wednesday, then Louella on Thursday (no pic cos a certain somebody *coughRachelcough* had my camera).

Last night was my going away BBQ and I'm glad you guys turned up:

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I'm sorry I forgot to take a group shot while Kate and Michelle were there, but it was good seeing you both too. So thanks to (in order of arrival) Emma, Mick (for a bit), Angela, Kate, Michelle, Rachel, Emma (again) & Mel, Meaks, and finally Nicole. (<-- Note the different terms for the two of you!)

I also had to say goodbye to my beautiful cousin Laura (like a tiger):

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and incase I don't get a chance to get to my computer, I need to say LOVE YOU LONG TIME to Nan, Nonno, Jonas...

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and my baby girl Mary-Anne.

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Anonymous said...

its your last day here!!!
best of luck :o)
dont forget to come home!
here's to long haul flights *cheers*
have fun!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you didn't take a photo when I was there, rude biatch!!
You're on the plane right now... how exciting.. hope you enjoy the wonderful books I got you, treasure them forever (and lend them to me when you get back, I've never actually read a M&B before hehe)

P.S bring me back a hot rich man please :)

Anonymous said...

haha kate got you M&B??? Love em!!!
Anyway you told me to comment you so I decided since you are no longer in the same country as me I would.
Did you have a good send off? Did you know that I made up your leaving slogan? "The mango's aren't as good in America"
How good's that.
Anyway I gtg coz i just remembered Mum said dinner was ready about 10 minutes ago.
Have a fantastic time. I'll be reading ur blog often.
<3 Mel