Monday, May 22, 2006

Packing Sucks.

I'm packing at the moment and am not enjoying it. So far things are divided into things I have to remember to bring that may or may not go in my carry-on luggage, my big suitcase that has all my winter clothes in it and the rest of my clothes yet to be packed in the suitcase Auntie Josie gave me, which is pictured above.

So I thought I was going great. Then yesterday I went shopping for all my groceries and stuff that I'd definately need..... and now I have to rethink how things will fit.

Last night was my last trivia too! So sad. I love trivia so much. At least we won, but we knew we would cos it was my last night, but we actually legitimately won!! Like, we had the right answers and everything! Yay team us! GoooooOOOOOO PLANET!!!

(I had to edit this post cos the pics in the last one screwed my page up...)

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