Friday, May 12, 2006

How can you run a business like this????

Ok, so I just called Magshop (the company which handles subscriptions to Cosmo, Shop til you Drop and other magazines), and it had a recorded message saying their offices were now closed. It then proceeded to inform me that office hours are "8am to 6pm."

Erm......WHAT THE????

It's now 5:40. WHY NOT BE OPEN????

Lazy bastards. They just wanted to start their weekend early. Stupid effs. All I want to do is give them my US address to send my subscriptions to, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I can't do that. I'll have to wait for another day.

Erm, ANOTHER DAY IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. I only do these things spur of the moment. It was on a whim that I called. I'll never remember to call and do this.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

oooh!!!! it worked!!! k, that was waaaay easier than I thought. HAHAH now you can't get away from me even if you are 5 squillion miles away from me. Muahahahhahahaa. Toodles noodles

Anonymous said...


cool page, how exciting! ok back to work for me! :(

see you soon
