Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I saw my first RACCOON last night!!! It was very exciting. :) I stopped the car and sat there staring at it, and it sat there staring at me. I was giddy!!

In other news, I have an essay due on Thursday. So far I have one paragraph done. It needs to be about 1200 words. I'm not in the mood. I have a doctor's appt tomorrow cos I've been getting headaches, and I've had this ridiculous rash for like a month, and my ears have been blocked for a week. And before anyone suggests chewing gum or holding my nose and blowing out or whatever, it's not like that! Like, I can swallow and unblock them, but then they reblock, and sometimes then my sinuses get all blocked. And it gives me a headache cos I'm spending every waking moment trying to unblock my nose.

Also, tomorrow I have to go to this stupid office thing that I've volunteered for. Of all the weeks I chose, it's THIS WEEK when I have an essay due. :'( I want to cry cos it's not going to get done and I'm going to fail and I have a tonne of other things to do like plan Lara's birthday and I'm tired and for some reason 8 hours of sleep isn't enough and i fall asleep through the Colbert Report which is horrible because I love it so much, and then I struggle to wake up in the morning even though I've had a full 8 hours sleep. ARGH! Why is everything happening all at once?? Why didn't I try to start this essay last week?? Oh, that's right - I had to finish the readings before I could choose my topic and I didn't have much time last week. Why did I choose a bloody subject where I have to do essays??? Why didn't I just do Italian or Japanese, which I already know?????


Anonymous said...

aww sarah im sorry ur feeling so rotten hunny! i think the rerason that u are feeling so tired and finding it hard to wake up in the morn because ur sick! im glad that u are going to see a doctor! sounds like u could do with a few days loling around in bed to help u recover! but it soumnds as tho u are way to busy for that to be possible so my next best sugestion is chin up u can so do it all! and try some nose spray to unblock ur nose, i cant think of anything more irritating that a blocked nose all the time! as for ur ears i have no good sugestion, just that once ur sinus infection clears up i think u will find ur ears unblock by themselves, small comfort i know :)love ya! meaks!

Sarah said...

But I don't have a blocked nose!!! This is the thing. Sometimes, the very top of my nose... like, where it's between my eyes, feels clogged and my forehead feels all tight and freaky...

Maybe I should save this weird stuff for the doctor...

Anonymous said...

i have a cyst... read my blog for more info... if you haven't already...
you'll be ok. the doctor will fix you.

Anonymous said...

OMG! You do sound as if you are really sick, you poor thing! I do hope the doc can fix you and don't worry too much about the eaay, I am sure that you;ll find the time to write it, especially since you have already written out the first paragraph so you must know where it will take you.
Hope your news will be a little bit more cheerful next time.
Kind regards