Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Just a quickie... say that I just got back from the Jerry Springer Show. Or should I say the STEVE show. Oh well. It was still fun. Almost didn't make it. Marita was coming in with me and we were meeting Jemma in there. Well, Jemma got in on time, but we were so late cos Marita's contact lense ripped and we had to go to her house to pick up another one. Argh. Stressful morning.

The show was OK. There were only two sets of guests and the first one was boring as. It was this guy who couldn't speak properly so I didn't understand a word he said. Something about his brother beating up his ex-girlfriend and the mother of his kids and that she left the brother and is now with him. You know, the usual. Anyway, the brother came out and was all, "Erm... I don't really care". They were milking him for all he had, and here's where the "reality" factor came in: the original angry brother was pulled off camera and told what to say to try and make the other brother react and start fighting. But the other guy was too stoned or something, and really couldn't give a damn so nothing happened.

The next set was much more interesting. It was a mother angry at her daughter for becoming a lesbian. The mother faught with the lesbian lover even in the ad break. Very funny.

So yeah. It was OK. They'll have to edit a lot out if they want it to be interesting. The comments were funny. And I didn't know this but if you flash then you get these "Jerry beads" which are just mardi gras beads. Lol. A few girls whipped out the puppies. Oh, and one of the girls that flashed got into a fight with one of the guests, but it was funny. The audience girl did it just for fun, but the lesbian-guest was totally cranky. Hehehe.

We could have stayed and gotten autographs and pics on the stage, but the taping ended at 2 instead of 1:30 like scheduled and Marita and I had to high-tale it outa there. In the end I got home just as Jack and Sarah got home, after much stress.

Hopefully I can got back again and take my time with it all and do the souveneirs and pics thing, and hopefully WITH Jerry. :)


Anonymous said...

So, how did you go with your ticket to Oprah? I didn't know her
show came from Chicago (I don't look at credits or anything like that very much)although she probably always tells people where she is...
Excellent report on the Jerry Springer show, actually very funny read,even if you were quite stressed.
It's great to see that you are going out so much.
Kind regards

Anonymous said...

God I cant believe Jerry wasnt there. Baby jesus. That woulda shitted me. At least there were fights! Yeah!

Anonymous said...

hey thats crap about jerry. it would be worse if you got a ticket to oprah and they said "oprah wont do it someone else will" but that would never happen. what do they do with that on air? do they edit steve out? put jerry in on voice over? do you knoe when it will air? cause you should watch it and c how much they changed.

Sarah said...

Nah, they keep Steve in. Apparently they're trying to get him his own show too. Whatevs. Damn you, Dancing With the Stars!!!

I don't know when it'll air though. We have this number to call every Friday until we hear the date and time we went there. How crap's that?