Saturday, September 23, 2006

It's Ok Guys, I SURVIVED!

So yesterday afternoon at about 4:30 it started to rain. Which I thought was pretty bad. At 4:45 is was raining very heavily with thunder and lightning. Then F called and said to listen to the radio because there's been a.......


OMG. I know I wasn't supposed to be, but I was excited. Then as I was getting J ready for karate the tornado warning siren went off. I don't think I've mentioned these yet, but the first Tuesday or Wednesday of every month they practice these for about 15 mins. They also canvas every TV station and put a test warning on. They sound like the old-fashion bomb-raid warnings. Lol.

So when it came on I grabbed J, a torch, a handheld radio and the bunny and we went into a little annex off the basement. We hung out there for about 45 mins playing "Guess Who" and reading.

And that's about it. Nothing but heavy rain occurred in our area. Funnel clouds were seen elsewhere, but none touched down.

So it's OK guys, I'm ALIVE!!! I know you were all so worried for me. :P

I'm so alive that I've booked my trip to Washington DC for the Thanksgiving weekend with Lara! Woot!


Anonymous said...

OMGOMGOMG SARAH!!! It's just like the movie Twister! Haha! And honestly, I would have been soo freaking excited too, I mean, how often do you hear a tornado warning?? Hoorah you survived you're first tornado warning! I'm so proud :)

Anonymous said...

yay im with raz how exciting!!! it would have been mad if there was a tornado! just as long as it didnt ruin any houses n stuff!!!
im glad u survived! do u think u will get many more tornados?

Anonymous said...

It was great to find out how you survived your first tornado warning.When you go to Washington DC, try to find time to go to the Art Gallery. It is superb, particularly the Impressionist section.
Kind regards.