Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Psychic

Just came back from the psychic. I spent a grand total of 7 minutes with her and $50. Lol. But it was fun. I think I should have gotten my tarot cards read instead because at least it might have taken longer, and I would have saved $10.

She told me I'm doing the right thing by staying here. She said that there's dysfunction and depression at home, and she felt that I will be too depressed if I'm in that situation. She said I feel lonely and conflicted at the moment, but to stick it out and think of my path clearly and it will be fine. She also said that she sees teaching in my future, and that next year I will be concentrating on that. She said I've been working a lot lately and have been very stressed. Maybe she got that from the dark circles upon circles under my eyes from the lack of sleep I've had since I got here.

She then did the usual relationships thing. BTW, I'll marry an Aussie in my late 20s early 30s and have two kids. Hehehe.

=) I think I was supposed to go in with questions. She kept asking, "Do you have any questions you'd like answered?" and I was like, erm... arrr.... I even asked a stupid question, "Should I work new year's eve?" Apparently, yes. =)


Anonymous said...

did you ask if you're going to stop whinging anytime soon???? we'd all appreciate that answer

Rocket Shop Nanny said...

Well, we'd all appreciate you not dissin' (ha, I'm so not the person start saying that word!!) Sarah anymore, and stop whinging yourself! Just cos your jealous she is in the States and travelling.

Anonymous said...

yeah, well as a reader of the ENTIRE whinger of the year blog, you know what i'd appreciate... mis perfect to shut the fuck up with all the whiniging about people. i mean, does she meet anyone that she likes on her journeys?? fyi i've travelled through europe & the states, all the while, enjoying myself and being open to new experiences, which amazingly, helps the process.

Sarah said...

Wow. Lol. Good for you! I've met some wonderful people on my journeys who have all been mentioned numerous times. So, I'm wondering if you actually did read the entire blog.


Anonymous said...

Yes, unfortuatnely the ENTIRE blog in all it's bloody whinging entirety was read. Believe me... won't be making that mistake again.

Maybe if you gave people and situations a chance, instead of being a pig headed bitch and not liking someone/something because it has a different opinion to you or because it's not really your thing. Basically when you travel, that's what it's all about... learning new cultures etc. Maybe keep this in mind: it's not wrong, it's different!!! Or maybe just wake up to yourself..

By the way, can you blame the guy for defending his children when all you do is bitch about them?? Think about it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah, i'm also a semi-anonymous reader you reads your blog faithfully (no, i'm not a stalker!)
I've spoken to you once on LJ.
Anyway, just thought I should speak out and say yeah I don't think your whinging and even if you are, who cares, it's YOUR blog!
It's great to hear about your time in America. It's real. Life isn't perfect, especially staying with strangers in a foreign country. I love hearing about life as an au pair and can't wait to be one myself.
Hope you ignore this person and keep writing. Now i understand why people lock their blogs...
sorry for the long post.

Anonymous said...

how i broke my wrist was by falling down whilst i was tryimg to change direction. having spent the last two days in hospital it has now been fixed. it will take 6 weeks before the bandage can come out. thanks for asking.
do not bother yourself with people whu are negative. i quite like what the psychic told you's very strange the way they seem to see things about you. anyway i do hope it will come true for you.
kind regards,

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD who the fuck is this annomous person anyway!!! hahaha u make me laugh so much, do u honestly think sarah or any of us for that matter give a shit that u have travelled over europe and the usa n enjoyed yourself blah blah blah. so what just cause u had a good experience doesnt mean every other person will! i would also like to point out that travelling, and working as an aupair are 2 totally different experiences, so shut the fuck up! im glad u wont be reading anymore because i am sick of reading ur tosser comments!

as for sarah, im glad u are having a good time in aspen,i totally agree with nicole mac u should just steal someones prada handbag and parade around like u are rich anywy! haha have fun hun! love u long time mwa!

Anonymous said...

Trolls. Just ignore Sar.

Anonymous said...

well annon. i think you didnt read the post very well as nothing she said in her physic post was in any way winging. she tried a new experience and went to a physic and was telling her friends and fellow bloggers what the physic said, not once did she winge about the family etc. if anything she commented on the price which i believe anyone would have since it was 50 for 7 mins. but other then that you are just winging yourself about her blog. if you have such a prob with it then fuck off and dont read it again. it is not aimed at you.