Thursday, December 07, 2006


Sorry about the hiatus. I've just been flat out... lying on my back doing nothing... :P Nah, seriously, I've been very busy.

I've given up on doing a DC post. I just can't muster up the willpower. :(
Here's a few of my fave pics though:

Lara and I in front of the Capitol Building, my absolute fave. It was so bloody impressive. It actually made me jealous of Americans. Lol. I want a building like that!!!!!

Me in front of the absolutely UNimpressive White House. It was too far and you couldn't see it without all the trees in the way.

The balcony where Lincoln was shot in the Ford Theatre.

GOD. I MEAN Lincoln. Seriously though, the way this "memorial" is set up it reminded me of the old pictures of the temple of Zeus and how you'd walk in and there's this big mother Zeus sitting on his throne in all his might waiting for worshippers. Only, ZEUS IS A GOD!!!

FOREST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JENNAY???

Of course, I absolutely HAD to go to Watergate. It's just an apartment block. I was so disappointed. You'd think they'd have a sign saying, "Here's where the Democratic party's offices were" or something. But that's cool. At least I can say I've been there.

So yes. Washington DC, in a nutshell. I'm thinking that I should have taken photos of all the homeless people I saw there, because the place was filled with them. You couldn't walk one block without two or three homeless guys lying down there. It's so sad.

So enough about that. That was SO two weeks ago. ;)

Let me tell you about last weekend.

Well, on Friday morning we'd woken up to find out that IT HAD SNOWED!!!!!!! And not snow like that "snow" we had in October, but real, honest to goodness SNOW! We got about 6 or 7 inches and it's still there. Had my first experience with REAL COLD and PLOWING A DRIVEWAY and SHOVELLING A SIDEWALK. Lol.

Right, now I can go home. Done!


It's very pretty, but sooooooo very cold. Right now it's -10 Celcius, but with windchill feels like -18 (according to And it's sunny. Lol.

So it only really snowed Thursday night/Friday morning but the snow is still there a week later. It hasn't started melting at all. And something that I find really funny is that people don't clean the snow off their cars if their cards were parked outside when it snowed. They just dig the car out, turn on the defrosters and drive around with the snow on their roof.

I'll leave this post here but I need to update soon about my weekend with Jen. FYI, we couldn't go to Philli cos O'Hare was snowed in and a whole bunch of flights were cancelled, but our weekend was still awesome.

On the teaching thing, I was all set to add some highschool teaching things to my UAC application, BUT CAN'T FIND ANY COURSES!!! How does that work?

Ok, love you all!


Anonymous said...

Shame that you could'nt go to Philadelphia, but at least you have had a good time with your friend anyway. In NY & in NJ they used to dump a whole lot of salt on the streets whenever it snowed which made up a whole lot of dirty looking muck afterwards.
Love your photos of Washington DC, particularly the one of you in front of the White House & your comments are really good too; I especially liked the one about Lincoln, it's so spot on.
Kind regards.

Anonymous said...

with the high school teaching, I think you just do a degree (say arts majoring in history) then do a diploma of education where they teach you about the syllabus and how to actually be a history teacher.

Anonymous said...

yeah i think that jenni is right as far as i know there is no BA in secondary school teaching, u have to do the course u wann teach like science or history or whatever n then tack on a dip ed at the end?