Thursday, November 30, 2006


Last night I spent an hour and a half typing up my Washington post. It was brilliant: it had photos and commentary; it was both witty and insightful. It is no more. Stupid Blogger went down on me when I pressed "Publish".

If I get a chance to do so I'll redo this arvo or tonight.

In completely different news, my friend Jenny is coming this weekend. You all remember Jen? She was at the training school with me and I visited her in Vermont. I'm so excited to see her!!

But things are a little different to my original plan of showing Chicago to her....


Yuhuh. How random's that? My hostdad is taking Jack to a football game (Army vs Navy) and all his college friends will be there so he'll want to go out with them after, so, how's this for desperation to get drunk: Jenny and I are going so Jack is looked after. Lol! We leave mega early Saturday morning and get back Sunday arvo. Meh, it's all good. I have no money though, cos I spent it at Washington, and this weeks' pay has been spent on my bloody medication. (Had my ENT appointment. Turns out I really AM allergic to the country!)

So yah. That's my week. My second last lit class today. I love my class and I'm going to miss it, so I baked (yeah, that's right) ANZAC cookies to take in tonight. =)

Oh, and can anyonehelp my dilema? I've applied for all B Education (Primary) degrees (I'll probably only get into Bathurst though) but I've been thinking that maybe I shouldn't teach Primary school, and maybe I should become an English and History teacher for highschool?? I'm so torn at the moment and I'm not sure if I can even change my preferences. Gotta check the UAC site...

In the meantime, if you guys are really wanting to see pics and read about what we did, click on the link on the left for Lara's blog. She's good and has put her posts up already. =) Her English is a little different but is understandable.



hookeymonster said...

So I know how VTAC works so I can give you that advice, Change of Preference occurs after the Year 12 results are released (I remember frantically changing to courses that had such a low score to get in...) but it's of course, with a fee.
About the teaching thing, I was all gung ho on becoming an English and Social Studies teacher and found myself in the library with Em one day, loving the pictures in the childrens books and suddenly went "I know!! I'll be a primary school teacher instead". They're cute when they're young and I look back on the way some of my teachers were treated in high school and shudder to think such things would be said about me by people I am trying to educate. Tough decision. Flip a coin and whatever the answer is you'll know either way what you want.
p.s. You know you can recover posts right????

Anonymous said...

I am sorry that you have lost your blog about Washington. I do hope you enjoyed Philadelphia. You are seeing a lot of the States anyway!
Re: your future. As you'd know I started out at 19 as a primary school teacher. I grew to dislike it a lot though, mostly because even though the kids were cute, they tended en masse to forget from one day to the next whatever it was you were trying to teach them. Maybe I was too young & too impatient, so you might do better than me. Anyway, after 3 years of it, I gave up & became a high school teacher in a newly created house for 15 girls, aged between 15 & 21, with a problem (mostly prostitution)& I enjoyed that a lot more, because the girls were ready & willing to try & better themselves (at least most of them were). So I guess it's up to you to decide whichever one job would attract you most. Of course you would have mixed classes in a high school, something you'd have to bear in mind particularly if you think about the discipline side of things. So. it's all the best from me for your choice...
Kind regards.

Anonymous said...

hey sar, well if i were you i wouldnt even consider becoming a high school teacher. if the kids that were in our classes at high school are anything to go by you would tear your hair out just trying to get them to behave and get their attention. and in high school i think its a bit of a thankless job! in primary school however, especially in infants, sure they misbehave n stuff but i imagine they would be easier to control cause like they are little n stuff! n usually little kiddies love their teachers! so i would choose primary school for the sake of your sanity!. however having said all that, i am not you! u have to make the decfision thats best for you! good luck hun!

Meaks xxoo

Anonymous said...

Go high school Sarah and teach English and History. But I only say that because 1. You're really smart and I know you'd be great at it and 2. I hate little kids. I don't think being a high school teacher is a thankless job at all. When a high school kid really takes a liking to you you really have the power to help direct them for life and make SUCH a huge impression on them at this crucial time. And THAT is awesome. Yeah you have shitty teenagers but rememeber, there are great kids out there as well who want to learn. And as a HS teacher you can control how they think... make them left wing Sarah!! Do it.

Up to you though but if you do maybe you'll be able to attend a uni closer to home and NOT go to Bathurst!