Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

So, It's now 8pm on our Thanksgiving night.

The entire day was spent getting ready for lunch/dinner at 3pm. Frances' parents came down from Wisconsin, and Frances' friends, a couple from South Africa and their gorgeous baby, also came.

Then we ate lots of yummy food, sat around talking for a bit, then started cleaning up.

The End.

I dunno. Bit of an anti-climax, especially since Frances was saying it's her favourite holiday. They didn't even do that thing they always do in the movies where before the meal they sit and all say what they are thankful for. :( I didn't even take any photos. Well, one of the table cos it was set really nicely. That's it though.

So... yeah.

I guess it allows me to use up all that un-used excitement on WASHINGTON DC TOMORROW!!!!!

Lara's coming over soon to stay the night cos we have to get up mega early. Woot!!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving. Maybe it is her fave holiday cause she gets to see her family then as opposed to xmas? who knows. i was going to call this morn but was running late for work. have heaps of fun in DC and dont forget to call me on sun( your sat night.) you know y........ all the girls will be here. call in the morn so your afternoon and we will be home as opposed to out for lunch. love ya.

Anonymous said...

Eat us! Hey, its Thanksgiving Day! Eat us, we make a nice buffet! We lost the race with Farmer Ed, so eat us 'cause we're good and dead. White man or red man from east, north or south, chop off our legs, and put 'em in your mouth! Eat me! Sautéed or barbecued! Eat me! We once were pets but now we're food! We won't stay fresh for very long! So eat us before we finish this song! Eat us before we finish this song!

HAHHA! Addams Family for those uneducated souls. Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Well I'm back from my holiday in Noumea where I got to see heaps of people I like; shame it was only for 10 days.
So how was your trip to Washington DC? I hope you enjoyed it a lot.
As I recall Thansgiving is a pretty religious affair anyway, but maybe the people you are staying with are not particularly religious...
Anyway I do hope you could finish off all your work!
Kind regards

Anonymous said...

may i ask what is the point of getting all the rellies round n sitting down for thanksgiving lunch/dinner if your not even going to be thankfull for things???

Hope u had a fab time in DC it was good to talk to u on sat night. haha how funny was rachel!