Wednesday, November 08, 2006

So today was pretty much the only day I have this week which is like normal, as in, look after Jack for an hour in the morning to get him ready for school, then have the kids for about 4 hours in the evening. (Every other day this week is just ridiculously busy with me running bloody errands or taking people places and shit.)

Garr. I'm just so tired. Of everything.

And I'm so stressed about money. I called nan on the phone today and just started crying. I have $140 saved up for DC and I still have to pay for the hostel $60 when I get there. Plus, My meds are so expensive and I have to see an Ear, Nose, Throat guy on Monday and I don't know if I have to pay for it myself or whether my trav insurance covers it. And to top it all off, last week mum called and I mentioned her leaning me money and suddenly she's really busy and will call me tomorrow and I haven't heard from her since.

Another thing, everyone's telling me how lucky I am to be going to Paris and stuff and why aren't I excited and blah, but this money situation has me so stressed and all I can think about is that I'll need money so I can buy some bloody souveniers. Plus, my non-enthusiasm about the trip makes me ungrateful.

I'm just tired. And I think Frances is cranky because I've left a basket of laundry upstairs (the washing machine and dryer are up there) for the last couple of days. I just forgot them. Everything's clean. I just forgot they were up there.

And I have an essay due next Thursday, and Frances suggested that I spend Friday at the Museum of Science and Industry with her rellos that I have to pick up at the airport that takes 45 mins to get to Friday morning, and I said that I wanted to work on my essay a bit, and she asked if I planned on being busy between now and next Thursday, when the essay's due, meaning do it next week. I'm just tired of leaving things to the last minute. But I said, no you're right. I can do it next week. Another wasted day. Plus, I have to make two lasagnes. One for us to eat on Friday night to welcome the rellos and one to freeze and eat in two weeks' time when Frances' friends come.

Oh, and I also have to go to the parenting class tomorrow because John's out of town. So now instead of going to Lara's house for coffee and whinging, I'm here doing the required reading. So my tomorrow's gone too.

And this computer is dying and won't connect to the net, so instead of me being able to post this tonight I have to post it tomorrow. But I’m still going to date it as posted yesterday, just to be confusing.

But hey, at least the Dems have taken back the House of Reps, and Bush'll be out of office in two years' time. But I just don't care anymore.


Anonymous said...

Sarah I have juwt talked to your mum this minute & she tells me that she will ring you back straight away about how much money you need, so I hope she gets to you on the phone & that should take care of that problem for you! Actually, your mum just rang me back to say that you spoke to her ...
All the best & kind regards

Sarah said...

Thanks Jackie!!!

It's been so hard to get in contact with her lately.

I'm feeling a bit better today actually. I went to the parenting class this morning, and they pointed out that the really bad behaviour started the same morning that their dad left. It was something that I hadn't thought of. I need to think on that for awhile...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sarah, oh my god. i hope this finds you well. i can sympathise with the money, it sounds like you feel when i had decided to extend and realised that it was impossible. i hope things start looking up and frances stops relying on you to be her stand in. hopefully we can catch up soon after i return - i'm in san diego right now!!

Anonymous said...

Daddy G says Hi Kid. Just looked at the pics of your halloween party and despite everything you still look gorgeous and happy. Keep up the good work and send me an Email if you can find the time Cheers Daddy G

Sarah said...

Thanks Daddy G ;)