Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Concert

So the Sunday I arrived home from New York I was due to drive Judith, Natalia and Andrea up to Milwaukee to go see a concert. Matt Kearney was headlining, but it was also featuring Rocco Delucca and the Burden, and The Feeling. I had no idea who Rocco Delucca and the Burden were, but I was obsessed with a few Matt Kearney and The Feeling songs so I had to go.
By the time I picked up the girls, my 2 hours' sleep wasn't an issue because I was at that point where you're beyond tired and have way too much energy and enthusiasm.

First thing we did when we got there was go to this pub called Moe's and eat some food (I was positively starving, because all I'd eaten all day was a cupcake from Magnolia's Bakery). Here's all us girls at the pub:

L-R: Andrea, Judith, Natalia and I.

The concert was great! Rocco Delucca and his band kicked it off, and even though I didn't know any of his music it was still my sort of stuff so I enjoyed it. Actually, I lie - I knew the last song, Colorful. I think it gets a lot of radio play.
Next up was my fave band of the moment: The Feeling.

This band's from England and their music is quite mellow at times, sometimes pop-ish, a bit rock. It's good stuff. Here's a link to their site where you can hear samples of their songs. My favourite songs are Sewn and Rose. They were so different in concert than how I imagined they'd be after hearing the album. They're actually rather theatrical and are great on stage. My photos didn't turn up that well, but here's another of their lead singer:

At the end of their set the drummer threw one of his drumsticks into the crowd, and it bounced off Judith's head and was coming straight for my eye, so I caught it. That was fun! =)
After The Feeling left, I went to the bathroom with Andrea during the break between bands and came back to find a group of the tallest guys in the entire world standing in front of us. Judith was furious. They'd apparently just walked in front of us and decided to just stand there. We'd had the perfect spot in the middle with no tall people in front. Not happy, Jan. I asked them if we could stand in front of them or something and they were like, "We'll work something out", but nothing ever came of it and we were stuck behind them. Bastards. We eventually managed to move around them to the side but it was still a crap view compared to what we had.
Anyway, Matt Kearney came out and he was fantastic!! Here he is with his band:

Yeah. It was just great. He sounded exactly like he did on the album (don't worry - no lipsynching) and he was so into the music. =) It was just awesome.

That's him close-up.

These photos are the only semi-good photos I have of Judith and I. Sorry if you don't like them, Judith, but they're the only nice-ish ones I have - send me yours!

Somewhere around 10:30 I started to feel the lack of sleep. Poor Judith - I was practically falling asleep on her standing up! The wave of exhaustion was like being hit by a train, it hit me with such a force and I was so unprepared. But soon after, it left, or I forced it away and I got back into the music.
I was worried about driving home, but it was fine. I knew that if I needed to, Judith would take over driving, but it was OK. I just karaoke-sang along to my ipod the entire way home and it kept me awake. I feel sorry for the other girls in the car though, lol.
So yes, Sunday, even though it started out so shit, had an awesome ending. =)


Anonymous said...

Good to see you could still drive after feeling so tired... Anyway you are probably back hard at work right now which could be quite difficult after you've had such a good time in NY City & then at the concert, but never mind it will end very soon now! At least these people seem to trust you a lot as a driver...
Kind regards.

Sarah said...

I know, I really shouldn't have driven. I don't know why, but I knew I'd be OK. I think I was running on adrenaline after the concert because it was just so good. Weird.

Anonymous said...

sarah is the greatest person in the world. :)

Sarah said...

Yes, Rachel, that is correct.

Anonymous said...

hahaha and she is sooo modest too :p! man u totally should have just climbed up on those guys and sat on their shoulders or something! i wouldnt have bothered asking thier permission cause well, they didnt ask if they could stand in frount of u or anything! juist scramble on up there!! haha!