Saturday, April 28, 2007

Getting there....

I've been terribly lazy of late for no real particular reason, other than the fact that I procrastinated with the NY post which has just put me far behind, which makes it difficult to catch up... especially when you don't write ANYTHING! =)

I'll just talk about last week.

Last Sunday, 15th April, the weather was BEAUTIFUL! It really was perfect, especially since it was still quite chilly the week before. So a few of the girls and I went downtown to take advantage of the weather. We had no idea what to do, so Vera had the idea that we should go to the cultural centre and see if we could get a tour with one of the Chicago Greeters. I had never heard of this, so I was really excited. Let me just tell you, even if we had had to pay for the tour, it would still have been excellent value for money!
Our greeter was lovely and took us on an hour-long tour of the Loop, starting with the Cultural Center itself.

Not the world's best picture, but this is the Tiffany domed roof of the cultural centre. It's so exquisite!

Here is the view of Millenium park from inside the centre.

Here's us girls on State Street, that Great Street (Frank Sinatra, anyone?). All over Chicago, for Spring, there's tulips, which is MY FAVOURITE FLOWER. =) If the gorgeous weather weren't enough to make me happy, that would have pushed me way over the edge! L-R: Me, Miriam and Vera.

Our greeter took us on a tour of the famous artworks and sculptures in the Loop. This mosaic's by Chagall, titled 4 Seasons:

This is "Untitled" by Picasso, and everyone just refers to it as "The Picasso":

Apparently it's supposed to be of his second wife. If my husband made me this and said it was me, I'd be feeling a little insecure about my appearance. That is, until our guide showed us a different angle:

I would never have noticed this profile if it weren't for our wonderful guide!

Here's another sculpture across the road from The Picasso, but I forgot who made it:
After that, we went and got some free Garrett's popcorn after getting a voucher from our guide (it's way famous and very popular, especially after being named as one of Oprah's favourite things), and then went to hang out at the beach for awhile. It was really just the perfect Sunday!

1 comment:

Rocket Shop Nanny said...

hey there,
i just moved out so i havent been able to read your posts! im just about to read looks like you are having a great last month in chi-town...glad to see it!

take care, and have fun!
