Monday, April 23, 2007

My birthday

Sorry this post is so late - there's just been a whole lot of drama lately.

So here is the birthday post. I can honestly say this was the best birthday I've had in 6 years. Perhaps even more. It was just great.

EXCEPT THAT I WOKE UP AND IT WAS EFFING SNOWING!!! WTF???????? I've said it before and I'll say it again, whichever gods are up there, EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM HATES ME.

Anyway, for my birthday we went to Medieval Times, somewhere I'd wanted to go ever since I saw the Cable Guy. Basically it's this big arena with a jousting performance in the middle. I thought it would just be that, but they have this whole story with a king and princess and wizard and bad-guy and all these knights competing to win. It's all pre-planned and incredibly well rehearsed. The winner is based on whose side cheers loudest. There are 6 knights and as you walk in you're given a paper crown with the colours of the knight that your section will be cheering for. We were cheering on the black and white knight.

They give you food to feast on while the knights are jousting and you eat it the way they ate it back in those days - with your hands. Too much fun.

So our knight didn't win, the yellow knight did, which was obvious from the start because their side cheered loudest cos it was a school group of teenagers. Don't worry though, our family did our knight proud. My voice was so hoarse by the end of the night. =)

I figure the best way to explain everything is just to put some pictures up and let you see for yourselves.

The procession of the knights.


Our b&w knight.

Judith and I striking a pose.

Part of the theatrics.

It's called a lance. Hello!

Go Black and White Knight!!!

More theatrics.

Mmmm... chicken! I wanted to pull the skin off and do a Jim Carry from The Cable Guy and say "silence.... of the laaaaambs", but I knew no one else would get it, and you guys probably don't either. =)

The hand-to-hand combat was so well choreographed! It was so much fun to watch.

Judith and I lookin' pretty.

My knight in shining armour..... that he took off and substituted for a dress.

So yes. Awesome night. I thought that was my present, and I was so grateful because it was expensive and they also let me take Judith along, but then on Saturday night we had a cake and they gave me some really good gifts. I was so surprised! It was an awesome birthday.

Drama last week was that one of the old au pairs emailed Frances to say they're sorry about hearing that she and John were getting divorced. So of course Frances went off at me, and all I could do was apologise. Meanwhile, I really do feel like I did nothing wrong. BACK IN JANUARY I had emailed Nicole, the previous au pair, asking for advice because John told me that they were getting divorced. She told this other au pair, Tina, and TINA WAITED 3 MONTHS to contact Frances about it. Bloody hell. Firstly, why would she wait that long to say anything, and secondly, why would she ask about it BEFORE THE PARTIES INVOLVED EVEN TOLD PEOPLE??????????? Hello?? It's called tact. Even if you heard about it, you wait until you're told by the people themselves. I know it might seem silly that I don't think I did anything wrong, but Frances doesn't know that John told me that they were splitting up, and I thought I'd better not get him in even more trouble, so I just said I noticed the tension and sought Nicole's advice on what I should do because I was worried about them breaking up when I'd only just gone through this with my parents.

I think things are OK now, or at least, Frances is acting like it's OK. I really don't care anymore. The day she received that email was the day I found out that my grandpa is in hospital very sick. I think my rock beats her scissors.


Anonymous said...

How very nice to see that you've had such a lovely time on your birthday and presents too! You lucky girl!
And no I don't get the joke, but that's probably only me...
And finally don't worry too much about upsetting the "lady of the house" I do believe that your poor old grandpa's health is more important than her silly squabbles...
Kind regards.

Anonymous said...

I get the joke sarah, "The Blue knight rules, the red knight sucks the big one!, your goin down red knight, goin down down down!" hehe.

Looks like it wouldve been an awesome night of "feasting and fighting of which u never imagined!"