Sunday, October 22, 2006

Halloween Party

So last night was the Cultural Care Halloween Party.

Lots of fun. It only went from 8-11pm, but that's cool. I trained it in with Lara, Patty and Andrea. I'm glad Patty and Andrea joined us on the train a few stations after we got on because otherwise we would have just looked too weird with the tonne of makeup Lara and I were wearing. =) We both came wearing 80's clothing. Lara looked a lot more Olivia Newton John, Let's Get Physical-esque, whereas I just looked like trash. :P Patty was a Vampire and Andrea was a bumble bee. Too cute!!

So we got Downtown and took a taxi to the HI hostel, were the party was being held. Well, first person I saw when I got down there was Vlatka, a girl I was good friends with at the training school but had forgotten to get her email address and all that. It was so good seeing her. She saw me first, and I hear this loud, "SARAH?!" and there she was!

Then I saw my friend Fatma, who had come as Foxy Cleopatra. She looked SO CUTE!! Lol. This photo of us is a little blurry, but it's the only one I've got of the two of us, and also the only one I have of me full-length.

My costume consisted of a side ponytail, too much hairspray, too much makeup (think bright blue eyeshadow) fluro-pink fishnet-footless tights, a men's shirt from Target that I but up, Madonna lace fingerless gloves and my metallic belt and shoes. Hehehe. Class, all the way.

So we then met up with our friend Kelly, who was there with her big group of au pairs. They'd come in a limo, which is a very smart move, considering the odd looks you get on the metra dressed as a whore with no fashion sense. Kelly came as the pot of god at the end of the rainbow. Very smart. She spray painted her t-shirt and had these pig cardboard pots of gold attached. I'm annoyed now that I don't have any full-length photos.

Kelly also came with her friend, also named Kelly, also from Australia. Her outfit was the funniest thing alive. Honest to god. I was with them all night, but no matter how often I looked at it, it still made me laugh:

If you can't read her shirt, it says: REDNECK AND PROUD.

Too funny!

There was a costume contest, and of the six finalists, two were Andrea and Kelly. Guess who won?

Our very own redneck. Excellent.

So yeah, it was a really good night. Lots of dancing and catching up with people. Almost everyone there was dressed as a witch though. That just shows how much more Lara and I rock. Even the trainride home was fun. The ticket collector started talking to us when he heard our accents and then kept chatting for the whole ride home.

There are some days when I have no patience for people who hear my accent. Basically, the general conversation goes: "So, where's that accent from?" "Australia." "Oh, how nice! I've always wanted to go there." "You really should, it's the best." "Wow, yeah. It's so pretty. And Kangaroos!" "Uh huh." That's when I'm in a reasonable-ish mood. Sometimes my answers are even shorter. But other times, having a different accent to everyone else is fine. I always meet really nice people and have interesting conversations. Like last night, where our ticket collector told me how much he likes Aboriginal women. =)

Now, you'll notice that I'm looking like an absolute heffer. I dunno. It could just be the baggy shirt, though I doubt it. According to the scales in the doctor's office, I've actually lost weight since being here, and had even lost 4 pounds in the 3 weeks between visits to the doctor. In total, I've lost at least 6 kilos since being here (I say at least because I can't quite remember what my original weight was, so it's either 6 or 9 kilos, depending on which weight I originally was). Here's the thing: I swear I've put it on, especially in the three weeks between visits to the doctor. During those weeks I felt like crap and basically consoled myself with cream cheese bagels and Cadbury's. Yet I lost 4 pounds. I haven't been excercising. At ALL. And my clothes all feel smaller (but that could be due to the fact that they're all being dried in the dryer, because no one here hangs clothing to dry). I dunno. Next week I'll need to go back to the doctor cos these drugs I'm on (steroids- lol!) aren't working. Stupid blocked ears. Grrrr. We'll see what my weight is then.


Anonymous said...

ok sar you failed to mention that while you were in the taxi on your way to the party you were on the phone to your good friend emma. and you forgot tho mention that the taxi driver asked you how much change you wanted. damn americans and their tipping. i was shocked that they ask the amount of change. like give me more money or something. grrr.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for all the photos once again Sarah. It was very nice to see you enjoying yourself & my didn't you look trashy!!!LOL!
How many Aboriginal women do you think that taxi driver knew?
I hope Lara has decided to stay by now so that things will continue to look good for you.
Thanks again for all your funny comments also.
Kind regards.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I meant ticket collector of course

Anonymous said...

man ur party looked like so much fun! ur phots look good, it looks like u all went all out and i love the red neck! too funny!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I cant believe you went to a Halloween Party! Im so jealous! I'm inspired now, I think I might have my own halloween party. Party for one. Hhahaa.

Anonymous said...

SARAH YOU HOT LITTLE THING!! You look gorgeous!! I love it!! Oh it looks like so much fun, I wish I could be there in the US with you for Halloween.

Anonymous said...

hiya! sarah, you don't look like you've gained weight, mind you, i'm not one to notice unless you look like an elephant the next time i see you. have i told you that 1 plain bagel is worth 5 slices of AMERICAN WHITE BREAD??? you should have raisan toast or something instead, don't raisins make you do poos??? and are the steroids you're taking creating fluid retention??? i know a lot about health stuff, i'm like a natural at it or something!

Sarah said...

I forgot you told me that. Argh. But they taste SO GOOD!!! :'(