Friday, October 27, 2006


My GOD. I've come to the conclusion that I can't win. From now on I'm not even going to attempt small-talk with J-dad.

Today was a silly morning. I had to get up at 6 to take S to her ortho appt so she could get to school on time. F left it up to J-dad and I which role to take (either getting J ready for school or accompanying S to her ortho appt) and J-dad said he was fine to get J ready for school. J's normal routine is to get up at 7:30, brekkie done by 8am at latest (that's on a bad day), brush teeth, wash face by 8:05, dressed and hair brushed by 8:15, shoes on and out the door by 8:20 to meet his walking group.

So I got home at a few minutes after 8 from dropping Sarah off at school and J-dad's on his laptop, J's reading his book, an egg is sitting on the bench and not much is happening. So I make J close his book and start eating. It took him til 8:15 to eat it all. I thought that if we hurried we could still make the walking group. J-dad made some flippant comment about me not making J hot breakfasts. Meanwhile, did he see how long it took him to have J's brekkie ready? 20 mins. I make J a hot brekkie if he tells me the night before that he wants one so I can make it before he wakes up so it doesn't waste time. So far J has only asked for a hot brekkie once, and other times he asks for grits (which are foul and I don't really know what they are... kind of like flakes of wheat, only add water and heat, then mix in a tonne of grated cheese) and I make those at least once a week. So that comment really pissed me off.

So anyway, I ended up getting J ready by 8:26 and decided to walk with him to the walking group just in case they had already left. The thing about J is that he walks soooo slowly. In fact, he does everything slooooowly. It gets VERY annoying when you have places to be. In that regard, he is exactly like his dad who, whenever he decides to come with me to take the kids to an activity, or decides to take them himself, always makes us late because he's on the phone or on his computer or whatever.

Maybe THAT's why when I got home and made a joking comment about J not being able to hurry if his life depended on it, rather than just being FRIENDLY and saying, something silly like, "Ah, kids these days" or WHATEVER - anything, just for conversation's sake! - he retorts, "Well, that's who he is. Life is good for him. Wouldn't you like to be able to do that?" blah blah.

Um... whatever.

Seriously, it's like this ALL the TIME. Sometimes I just need an adult to talk to and whinge about some things - not even whinge, just make silly comments to - and normally when I do the person is F, or Lara, or ANYONE SANE and they say, "Oh, I know" and I feel better.

But with J-dad, you can't say anything about his kids without him coming to their defense. Because his kids couldn't possibly be less than perfect. Yes, I understand that they're children and as such act like children. But children can sometimes be frustrating!! Everyone acknowledges that! But not J-dad.

I just had a thought. Maybe cos he's never around his children, that's why he thinks they're the bees' knees. I know people that everyone hates, but I don't mind them because I don't see them everyday and have to deal with them all the time.

For those that I didn't tell why I was having the problems before, this is basically it. I'm over J-dad constantly undermining me in front of the kids and he always makes me feel awkward when I say things to him, such as what happened this morning. After he said, "Wouldn't you like to be able to do that?" I mumbled some non-answer and went straight into my room to write this post.

So from now on, I'm not going to speak to him about his children. So it looks like I won't be speaking to him. Lol.

But next time he makes comments about F doing something he doesn't like, or bitching about her to me, rather than what I was doing before, which was cringing on the inside wondering "what do I say when I agree with her?!" and usually saying, "Oh, really?" or some other non-sensical answer, I'm just going to say, "Well, that's F. Life is good for her. She's an adult and can make those decisions." Or whatever.

KHESBFKJBSFKLDSKNDSFKHGSKHg gKHGIHWIGEWHGHhgskldkhglhdsighewhg mns nbbdfv dscyuuiyuyujyuj\
Sorry. Just needed to pound out my frustration.


Anonymous said...

Hello Friend,
You know your host dad needs to pull his fudging head out from between his knees and look at the world the right way up. You sound like the nice au pair, I am Kelly the eveil au pair who yells at my 3 whether their mum is around or not. If I walked in and found Matthew not ready for school at that time you know what I'd do?? Go into drill instructor mode and get his arse firmly into order. You're so nice. I feel so sorry for you having to put up with that spineless man (I know I don't know him, he may not be spineless but if you've no desire to be a parent to a kid but a pushover instead I will assume he's spineless). Anyway, point of this? None really, I just hope the world starts to look up for you, I feel your pain.
p.s. what did Lara say about the 80's prom???

Sarah said...

Lara looked at me like I was a crazy woman. Lol. Plus, we're poor.

I think it looks awesome though. I went onto the site last night and it looks like a blast. Maybe we should do it sometime in December? That way we can save some mula. $$

Anonymous said...

hey sar,
screw them all.( and their little dogs 2)love ya! cheer up charlie!

Anonymous said...

Oh i know! (feel better!) man he sounds like a total jerk! how does he expect his children to respect u etc if he undermines u like that in front of them all the time??? hehe it would be so funny if u said that back to him about his wife next time he bitches about her to u! i would love to know his response!anyway keep smiling, n i think its a good idea not to talk to him bout his children anymore.

P.S. hehe u said bees knees... too cute!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah
Looks like the father is a real jerk! Even if he can't stand you ( & I don't see how that could be)
he is breaking one of the cardinal rules in bringing up children which is that one should never argue against a member of the staff in front of the children or any other third party for that matter. I do hope these children will grows up to become rssponsible adults one day... long after you'll be gone out of their life forever... So look at it this way & I'm sure you'll feel better.
Kind regards.