Sunday, June 25, 2006


So yesterday I went into Chicago with Patty, the Brazillian au pair (see previous post for her pic). It was good. Very pretty.

Things to consider next time:
1) Wear SNEAKERS: my feet are covered in blisters from my Hush Puppies. You'd think flat shoes would just be COMFY!
2) If a sign has a picture of a person going down a flight of stairs, it means that to get to whatever is indicated on the sign you need to walk down the stairs next to the sign, not wait for 15 minutes wondering where the free trolley is.
3) Read the TRAIN TIMETABLE. Missing the train by mere minutes and then having to wait for an hour and a half when you're tired and your feet are in pain and all you want to do is go home and soak your feet isn't very much fun.
4) Don't get distracted on the train ride home and miss your stop.

So yesterday I got to see a few things, which was nice. Very painful too.
But yeah. Heaps of mishaps yesterday. It would have been tolerable if it weren't for the state of my feet, which are still tender.

Something that's really good is there's a free trolley car (like a tram, but not on tracks) that goes around the city. If we had managed to catch the right ones, we may have had less blisters. :)

But onto the photos!

But I, am a MOOSE!!!!!

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I dunno. There were these random metal statues around the city. First one was a bull, then I saw a moose... Odd...

This is me at Navy Pier. There was a big Ferris Wheel that I wanted to go on, but the line was heaps long and I couldn't be bothered waiting.

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Guess where this one was taken. Go on, GUESS!

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Did you guess Navy Pier?? Wow! You're totally smart.

Some photos of "the beach":

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It's weird to think that this is a lake, when it looks exactly the same as a beach, only without any waves.

Some pretty photos of the skyline:

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And me drinking Jamba Juice, which is the US version of Boost Juice:

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We really didn't do much sight seeing. I think it'd be best if I go in on my own, armed with a travel guide and a map and saw everything I wanted to see. At least I'll know what NOT to do. ;)

I think the highlight of my trip was the aforementioned train ride home (where we missed our stop) and we met this South African girl who was also an au pair. It was funny. She was sitting near us and overheard me talking to Patty and was all, "Excuse me, are you Australian?" and I'm all, "Yeah, are you South African?" and then we had a really good conversation. It was such a coincidence!! It was good meeting her, and we exchanged contact info and everything.

That conversation was what made Patty and I miss our stop. Luckily, the stop after the one where Patty left her car (she was going to drive me home) was the station about 5 blocks from my house! So we just walked here (cursing with each painful step) and I drove her back to her place.

Today I met up with Josefine, the Swedish girl I met at the training school. She only lives about half an hour away so it was really good to see her. We went shopping at the place near where she lives, and had lunch/dinner at 3pm there at (Lesia's fave place), The Cheesecake Factory. Guys, this is quite possibly the GREATEST PLACE ON EARTH! I ordered the chicken with steamed veggies, mashed potato, biscuits and gravy and it was HUGE. I at about a quarter, and even though I was starving before that I was full. Doggy bag! Lol. And Josefine and I ordered a slice of cheesecake each. She got the choc-chip cookie dough cheese cake and I ordered the chocolate peanut butter cookiedough cheesecake. We only managed to get through half before we had to say NO MORE!!! It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good, but so rich, and we felt that satisfied-sick feeling you get when you eat too much of a really good meal.

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That's Jose eating her cheesecake. She doesn't look very good there, but she's so pretty! Bloody Swedes!

So back to work tomorrow. Love you all long time!


Anonymous said...

Tra la la I am a gnome. Because I, am a MOOSE! YAY! hahhaha.Ooh ooh ooh I totally guessed the pic was taken at the Navy Pier. No seriously, I really did. No, don't say I didn't because I DID. People are so rude. ok I'm tired. :(

Anonymous said...

Dear Sarah
Back at home again, after my week in Noumea where I got a cold &I am starting to feel bloody miserable.
Anyway your blog always cheers me up & it did the trick again. Thanks for all the photos. I couldn't download them all(I don't know why, so I'll have to ask someone at work sho knows all about that sort of thing). Chicago is quite a nice place really, but of course it's not New York which I much prefer. Yes they do lay it on a bit thick for their 7/4 celebrations, but that's Yanks for you. Anyway enjoy your long week-end and think a bit about the French football team who got me up at 2 am and again today at 5 am to see them win each time, so it was well worth it. I hope they win the world cup,yeah "allez les bleus!".
Jacqueline S.
Please note the signature when I feel French.

Anonymous said...

oh so how did you meet the swedish girl.

alison richards said...

hey sarah.
funny thing right? i just searched for "boost juice" using google image search and your image came up as one of the first. and so i'm like... i know that girl, and here you are, with a pic of rach on your page too.
dunno if u remember me, but we all used to work in myer c/hill ladies fashion a LOOONG time ago!!! how random is that?!
i can't believe you are in america! that's awesome! i hope you are having a great time. :)

Sarah said...

That is the most random thing in the world, especially considering that this is from 2 years ago.

By the way, I totally remember you!

I'm no longer in America, but in two weeks I'm off to Germany until February. Hope you're well!

alison richards said...

Haha sorry, guess i uhh didnt check the dates ... ooops ;)

whats with all the travelling? what are you doing now??

how proud are you that your image comes up when one googles boost juice in large image search... :P

and yay you remember me! are u on facebook?

Sarah said...

I'm currently studying teaching in Newcastle and I'm doing a semester in Germany. I'll be living with one of the friends I made in the US - can't wait to see them again!

And I am on facebook - slynchy is my username.

alison richards said...

oh cool that sounds like fun!! :) wish i could go to germany hehe

i tried looking you up on fb but the username thing... i dunno what they were trying to do with that but it wouldnt recognise it as one...
i'm if u want to look me up :)