Sunday, June 25, 2006

Here come the PHOTOS!!!!!!

Lol. This may be a very LOOOOOOONG post, or it may be split up, depending on my mood. There aren't any pics of the kids, as per F's request. If you want to see pics of the kids email me and I shall sendy send!

So it starts off at the airport:

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Awww, aren't you kids cute?!!! *Sob!*

Then there's the limo. I decided to not include a pic of Mel, seeing as I would prefer to NOT desecrate the sanctity that is my blog by defacing it with images of her.

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And here are the Hilton-esque rooms of St. John's University, Au Pair Training School.

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Why is it "Hilton-esque" you ask? Because it's white trash.

This is a photo taken on our first actual day at the school when we followed the Germans on our five hour walk. I thought it was a fitting first impression in the daylight:

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Indeed. Also:

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I think that pretty much sums up the world's view of the US in those two photos.

Did I mention that one night at the training school we had to get up and sing a song from Australia? This is us at the part where you say "...among the gumtrees". Yes, the stage has a ginormous US flag behind it.

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Crap. I forgot Mel's in that photo.

Did I mention the graduation ceremony at the school? That's me with my teacher Carol. I really didn't like her that much. I thought she was a bit fake. And had a face lift. Lol! I thought the grad ceremony was hillarious, hence the red face from trying not to laugh out loud too much for the people who took it seriously.

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So here's some photos from my crappy New York trip. This is a view from the bus of a horse and carriage ride through Central Park:

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Here is Rockefeller Centre. It was so funny. While we were there, this guy with a big box was oh-so-subtley saying, "Rolex. Genuine Rolex." It was like something out of a movie. All that would have completed it was if he wasn't holding the box and instead wearing a big trench coat and opening it at regular intervals. :-)

The following are of Time Square:

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While we were there they were filming for Spiderman 3. I thought that was pretty cool.

An NYPD police car:

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That's when it started raining and didn't stop. :'(

Here's us three Aussies (NO Mel). L-R: Jen, Amy, and some random who just jumped in the photo.

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The Staten Island Ferry. Lots of yawns all round. Hey, it's free!

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Who dat??

I tried to take photos of the Empire State Building. It was pouring rain though so all I got was a bunch of CLOUD. Instead, I stood under the canopy at the bottom and was shielded from the rain. I compensated the lack of building by posing with the little sign that says Empire State Building.

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Yeah, somehow the whole "compensation" idea didn't really pan out.

So this was in my kitchen on the day of the Australia party:

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Unfortch, I can't show you all the photos I'd like to cos they all have kids in them, but F went ALL OUT.

This is the fountain in the park where they had the picnic.

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It's such a nice park.

This is the putt putt place where I had my first au pair meeting:

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Even though I'm not a putt putt fan, it was a pretty cool place.

Bad hair day = headband.

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Patty, another au pair from Brazil, and I:

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The next few are from Martha's Vineyard. Not that many- sorry guys.

This is the CHANDELIER in BATHROOM in my room!!!

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This is Chappaquidick. It has some history about Robert Kennedy or another Kennedy crashing his car into the water with his girlfriend/mistress in it and abandoning her and running all the way from the part on the left where you can see sand to directly in front of where the photo was taken, then swimming from there to Martha's Vineyard, all in a matter of minutes. Yet another Kennedy cover-up. The sad thing is that the girl could have survived if he'd gotten help, or TRIED TO HELP HER.

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This is the Bank of Martha's Vineyard. It's covered in cobblestones. Crazy.

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I'll post the rest of the photos in the next post because they deserve their own post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great pics, i emailed dan to give him shit about the camera. imagine how mant emails he will get, that is sooo funny.