Saturday, March 03, 2007

For those of you playing along at home...

I worked 13 hours yesterday because the kids randomly had the day off school, and I'm working 8 hours today, a Saturday, which I'm sure is illegal. It also ruins my ENTIRE Saturday because I start at 12 and work til 8pm. That's exactly 45 hours this week, not including laundry time (which was all day Tuesday and about 3 hours on Thursday). So not in the mood.

Sorry guys, just needed to vent. I'm just tired. Not too much more of this to go, but I'm totally cracking.


Anonymous said...

Poor Sarah; just remind yourself that you only have 77 days left with these horrible people and you'll feel instantly better.
Kind regards

Sarah said...

Thanks Jackie. That's how I've been getting through every day lately. =)

I've given up on it getting better, so I just think about it being over. ;)