Sunday, July 09, 2006


Last night I went to a club with Nicole, the former au pair, and her friend Ana. It was a big club called Bamboo and it was pretty fun. They know EVERYONE there, so we didn't have to pay to go in, and we didnt pay for drinks. Seriously, I spent $10 the whole night, and that was because I gave that as a tip to the cloakroom attendant. Yes, they have attendants in the bathroom! Too funny.

I got so drunk! It's like in movies- they have these girls walking around selling shots in test tubes (like Miss Congeniality) and Nicole knew one of the girls, so I had about 3 of those, and at one of the bars (called the Tiki Lounge) they knew both bartenders, so we sat up there for about 30 mins and in that time I didn't notice the bartender keep refilling my vodka and orange. They were tall glasses too, and he used equal parts vodka to OJ. He did it about 4 times before I noticed. In half an hour. Lol. I tell you, I was very tipsy. Hehehe. So it was a good night. We were there til 2:30, which was when it closed, then did the maccas run.

You won't believe this. We bought: 2 double cheeseburgers, 2 cheeseburgers, 1 med fries, 1 med diet coke (which is the size of an AUS large), one 6 pack, 1 side salad and 3 cookies. (Don't worry, I only had one of the burgers and the DC.)

Guess the price.

Go on, GUESS!

I came to a grand total of $11.33, including tax. I kid you not. I so shouted it. Woah, I spent a whole $21.33 last night. Big spender.

The little I spent last night was ruined in one and a half hours at Woodfield Mall. :'( I'm not going to say how much I spent. All I will say is that I went there to buy some Bumble and Bumble Sea Salt Spray for my hair. Apparently they don't sell that anywhere in the Mall. I bought other things. That's all I'll say. Oh, except that I will be returning one of the things I bought, bringing my total spending down significantly.

Speaking of hair stuff, my hair has been sooooo yuck since I got here. Usually at home, if I don't blowdry it, it's not pretty, but it tends to be OK. Here, it's just one frizzy mess, even with product in it! I've realised it has to do with the level of chlorine in the water. Like, you can't drink the tap-water because it tastes too strongly of chlorine, so it has to be that. Annoying, but I just need to find other solutions! Oh GHD, how I miss you!


Anonymous said...

hahaha what'd you buy Sarah??? (besides the really really cheap maccas... no wonder they're all obese over there!)

Sarah said...

Hehehe. Keep crying Mary. :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Sarah
Frizzy hair eh!You may need to go where all the coloured people go to get their hair unfrizzed!They will sell you something in any of those salons I am quite sure but it might break the bank for you one more time. Ah the cost of looking pretty...

Anonymous said...

maybe try taking some filtered water into the shower with you and use that to rinse your hair...

Sarah said...

Ack, it's friggen annoying!!! Everyday it's in a pony cos it's hell nasty. I might take a photo of it naturally dried soon to prove my point. It NEVER used to be this bad, and I used to think it was TERRIBLE!

Anonymous said...

Yeah the rinsing with purified water sounds like a good idea. Does everyone in Chicago have bad hair?

Sarah said...

NO! I don't understand. Maybe they're so used to it that their hair has just been acclimatised from birth.

Anonymous said...

glad you had a big night!! do you like he clubs better at home or the us. i found the beer was pretty poor at times, but beggers cant be choosers right!

havent got full time work yet just working for myself at time and with dino. nono is feeling good.

mary ihas been good to

you alocholic

nan says she loves you

( not as much as me though) he he

Sarah said...

Keep dreaming boy. And I don't drink beer so it makes no difference to me.

Anonymous said...

Oi! wish i was there, you lucky thing. we miss you heaps over here. i miss going to trivia, it just wont be the same now. although i do have to give nicole a msg and see if she still goes now that dan and i are back.

