Saturday, July 22, 2006

Chicago Part III

So here's a lovely, glamorous shot of moi. I look HIDEOUS. I felt like crap too. I've been very tired lately. Also, note how brown my arms are. I've been out in the sun so much lately, and you all know how much I detest sunlight. Well, my hatred is well-placed seeing as I was BURNT last week. ;) Luckily my skin didn't peel, but now it's a hideous brown. And it didn't even burn evenly - you might be able to make out the white patches near my shoulders.

Anyway, the city's pretty. ^_^
Here's Christina and I. Note how young she looks!! ;)

And here is Millenium Park. The thing about Chicago is that it's a real architect's delight. Apparently it has a long history with its architecture and the city give out grants to build cool things. I have no idea what this is supposed to be, but there's a stage under it. It just looks cool.
And here, ladies and gentlemen, is the glorious BEAN. Lol!! It's like this great big 3D mirror and you can see yourself and the beautiful skyline behind you. It's lovely.

More pics to come!! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, that was a funny day and we were like tourists but anyway it was great
thanks for the day
had much fun
and see?! how good it is that I look so young, when I'm 40 I will probably look like 25^^
so...bye bye sweety, I'm now going to write you an email