Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Game on!

So yesterday was... an experience. Day started out fine enough. If you can consider having to wake up at 6:30 to take J to an early swim meet "fine", then yesterday started out fine.

Anyhoo, while I was at the meet I called S at home to make sure she was awake, which she was, and told her we'd be back in half an hour and to get ready cos we were going out for brekkie and to see a local highschool performance of the musical version of "The Secret Garden", which S was not looking forward to. So J and I got home 45 mins later (the meet took a little longer), and S was still in her PJs, hair unbrushed etc. Yeah, not happy, Jan. I told her to get changed quickly. We didn't have time for brekkie before the performance, so we had it after.

Breakfast was yum. J had green eggs and ham. Even though it's food colouring, looking at it still made me want to hurl. :) S had pancakes and I had banana bread french toast. Mmmmmmm. So it was a good start to the day, even if it was at noon.

When we got home though, the you-know-what hit the fan.

I needed to do laundry cos S had been doing hers the whole previous day, so I went up there and her clothes and stuff was everywhere, unfolded, and there were still clothes in the washer and dryer. So I called her to start cleaning it up and all was well.

For two seconds.

I had gone downstairs to get my dirty clothes and went back upstairs to the laundry. No S.

I go downstairs and find her in the basement watching TV. Man, she got an earful. Mostly about being 13 and needing constant supervision. The "conversation" went on for quite awhile cos she doesn't know when to shut up and just say, "Ok, my bad. I'll fix my stuff up." She likes to figure it all out on her own. Whatevs.

That basically went on for the rest of the day. :( She had so many chores that needed to be done, that should have been done yonks ago and she hadn't. And I had to keep checking her every 5 minutes to make sure she wasn't slacking off, which she was constantly doing.



Then in the evening I went to pick J up from his friend's house. Their dad was supposed to send him home half an hour previously, so I called again and spoke to one of the kids and told them it was time for J to come home. When I still didn't see J, I walked over to the house to pick him up. The dad was all, "The boys said he already left." Well, he wasn't at home.

We spent the next 25 mins searching the neighbourhood. Looked everywhere. I went to the park up the street about 5 times, and then on one of the nearby streets there were all these ambulances and fire engines and my heart started racing, but thankfully, no J.

I finally met back up with the other kids' dad and he was like, "Let's check the garage for his scooter." The scooter was still there, so they went back in the house and the boys yelled J's name, and J's like, "Yeah?"

HE WAS THERE THE WHOLE TIME. He had spent those 25mins packing up his Yugioh cards. He hadn't even realised that no one was home. I swear, he is in his own world.

So yeah. Crisis averted.

Today was a bleh day. Another little run in with S. I think the power struggles have begun. Problem is, she's messing with the wrong girl. :)


Anonymous said...

Whoa! You sure are having a whale of a time dealing with those 2 kids that sound even worse than Stephanie (as if that was possible)
Anyway, best of luck with them & pray tell where was their mother all this time?
Kind regards

Anonymous said...

i got your present today!!!!
thank you so much! i loved it all (cept the chocolate had melted and stuck back together). the internet on my computer isnt working and mum and dads computer is horrible so i havent been on ur site for ages and had to catch up on it all today.
it sounds like your having a good time except the people over there dont appreciate you as much as we all do!
i hope that you know i came up with your leaving slogan! i'm very proud of that.
anyway i better get back to fixing emma's ipod because she's very demanding!!!!
love mel

Sarah said...


Their mum was at work. :)

And Mel, sorry the chocolate was melted :(. I didn't think it would!

Did you like the card? I thought it was cute. And the shirt just cracked me up! I was going to keep it for myself, but decided to give it to you cos it rocked. I bought that size though for length not cos I think you're that size. :)

Anonymous said...

u go girl! u show that imature little shit of a 13 year old whos boss! lol.

im sure she's not a shit, just when she is having a bad day!

Anonymous said...

as if you bought that shirt for mel for the length. you think she is fat.... i cant believe you said that.. what a bitch.
lol. your funny.

Anonymous said...

S sounds a little like my neice, who is also named Sarah. she's supposed to take the scrap bowl down to the compost bin. this week we had to start a second one as the first was overflowing (and stinky) and STILL on the kitchen bench.
you'll be ok.
i just hope she waits until your gone to decide she's to old for a nanny.

Anonymous said...

hi sarah miss me or what jonas sends his love and lesia is depressed, she is lost with out you. just kidding lesia hasnt even noticed you left. we broke up. im with a new ho now. only prob is she too much like lesi.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sara,well unfortunately for me i AM still going out with dan,(dan and jonas think they are soooooo funny) so dont start crying yet, you may be lucky enough to have me for a sister-in-law yet! (if i dont come to my senses in the next few years):) and secondly i DO miss you, am going to trivia tonight so i will leave a spare chair and put a card with your name on the front of it and just pretend you are hoo, sniff sniff :(