Saturday, October 28, 2006

Gay PAREE!!!!

Ok guys, guess what!

Oh, go on, guess.

You know you want to....


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'M GOING TO PARIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yuhuh. But only for a few days. I'm going on November 19- 22. Does anyone see a problem in this?? No? I'll fill you in: I'm going to Washington DC on the 24th. Yeah. And I was struggling to save up enough for that. Sheiz. (you like that Lara? Did I spell it right?) Granted, I don't have to pay for flights, accom or anything like that, but HELLO?! Souveniers!!! :(

In my excitement, I also feel a bit bummed. When I thought about me going to Europe some day, I tended to think I'd be going with unlimited amounts of time and cash. A weekend visit was not what I was expecting.

Hi, my name is Sarah, and I am an ungrateful biatch.

Hi Sarah.

So yeah, I really am excited though. The money thing has got me down though, and the fact that it's getting bloody cold over here and I realise that my "winter" clothes just ain't gonna cut it.

And did I mention I was poor?!

Looks like I might make a call to mummy and negotiate a loan of sorts. Hopefully the sort I don't have to pay back *wink wink*.

In other news, I got back from the movies about an hour ago where I saw The Departed. I now have a potty mouth (even WORSE than before, if you can imagine it), and am still in shock over the ending. :O

I figure we should play a drinking game to it. Every time someone says the f-word you take a fraction of a sip of your drink. We'd all be passed out after 10 minutes. Some sentences were constructed solely of the f-word. Lol.

Oh, and this weekend we're carving PUMPKINS for Halloween!!! I'm so excited! You can bet that there'll be photos.

Oh, and just in case you're wondering, I really am still p.o'ed about this morning (refer to previous post). Ah well.


Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD!!!!!! PARIS!!!! i am soooooo jelous! that is sooooo awesome! wow. come on sarah who cares if its only for a weekend, u are going to paris!! and it is almost free! (i guess almost free still sucks when u have hardly any money huh!) well good luck with getting that loan!

Anonymous said...

Holy moly! So why are you going? God how exciting. Are you going with the family and have to babysit though? That could suck, but still... PARIS! Honestly, its free so be excited! You don't need to buy stuff (i say that VERY regrettably) just enjoy the sights! PARIS HOLDS THE KEY TO YOUR HEART!!!! OOH LA LA. When you think you can you'll find you can can, everyone can can can, you can, can can too! WHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

no need to worry my friend about d.c. and spending. i went there with a massive $180 and made it last the weekend, mind you, i used my credit card to buy a d.c. book. but yeah, everything is free. the train is fantastic and if you're styaing in the city it shuts down at night, including restaurants apart from mickey d's. but paris?!?!?! how lucky, have you worked out where you want to go? you know you should plan doing as much touristy things with the kids to avoid paying to do it yourself!!! oh lovely, can you send me a postcard???

Anonymous said...

You are extremely lucky to be going to Paris, if only for one week-end. What you need re: the cold weather is warm underwear, yes & that means long sleeved singlets & long johns & then it won't matter how cold it gets believe me.and I agree that you should do all the touristy things with the kids so that you won't need to pay for them yourself!
So do enjoy yourself over there it's a beutiful place to go to ...
Kind regards

Anonymous said...

ok i have spoken to you twice on the phone since this blog was posted and i still had to read about it, honestly, i thought you were excited, maybe the halloween excitment took over. dont know y? paris is sooo much better. i am expecting part of my bday pressie to be from paris. lol..... just kidding. wat bday?
love ya

Lara said...

you are so funny
i am happy that you are starting to be exited to go to Paris, so long it doesn't end up like in one night in Paris!!!
it is written down scheisse but it is funny anyway that you writing german words, I teach you more!!! I promise
hug you and see you soon!