Thursday, February 08, 2007

Go go Gadget BRAIN!!!

I am an idiot!!!

Today has been good so far. Got out of the house and met up with Judith at 9:30 in Starbucks (where else?!) and just chatted/bitched for a couple of hours, then went to Old Navy and spent money I shouldn't have. :) I just needed to cheer myself up, plus it's Old Navy so it's cheap.

So the stupid thing???

I got into the wrong side of the car. HA! I haven't done this in 8 months! I seriously sat down in the passenger seat, looked at the dashboard, thought, "Hmmm, something's not quite right." and then tried to think what. All this took place in under 10 seconds, but still! I just started laughing at myself. :)

Good times.

Anyway, it was nice to get out of the house cos I was up half the night coughing up my lungs. At about 1:30am it occured to me that I wouldn't be able to sleep without cough syrup - the cough lollies just weren't doing anything, so I drank some syrup and managed to actually sleep until 6am. Excellent.


Anonymous said...

1st i love the new layout.... very colourful. that is hilarius about the car... i thought you would do that alot, i think i would if it were me. at least you can still have a laugh. hope everything from old navy has cheared you up a bit. love ya

Anonymous said...

Yes it was very funny about the car
and also about the cough syrup. you know why it helps you sleep don't you? it's because it's full of alcohol!!! whereas cough lollies don't have any! Anyway juzt so long as you got a fairly good night after 1.30 am who cares how it happened.
The new page is very nice indeed...
Kind regards

Anonymous said...

Haha, you're funny - did you get funny looks from anyway? Blame it on the sickness
Kate xx

Anonymous said...

hehehe man that is too funny!i cant believe after all this time there u just did it out of the blue!hehe i wonder if u will get into the right side of the car when u are driving back home haha! p.s. sorry have to say that i dont like the new layout as much as the old one.

Anonymous said...

HAHA you loser!!! I love it! Ah you just made my day! At least you never did that in Australia .... then I would be worried...

hookeymonster said...

I LOVE the new template, is that a Blogger one???
I miss our phone convos!
And OH MY GOD they're seperating??? What a week to leave. I wouldn't be feeling guilty about leaving early Sarah, you have to do what's good for you. It sucks that they're doing this to you after your experience.