Wednesday, February 14, 2007

NYC Vay-cay

So, for the last few days I've been trying to plan my NY trip. I cannot muster even the slightest bit of enthusiasm. I keep thinking, "Maybe I could go to Boston or Philli as a side trip!", then I look at the cost and realise, nope, not happening.

I'll be in NYC from 24th March to 1st April, and my friend Jemma will be there from 30th March. So yay! Six days by myself trying to think of stuff to do. I've written a list of things I want to see and do, and I'm trying to make an itinerary for myself, but I just have no drive for any of it. ARGH!

Meanwhile, today's Valentine's Day, and Frances bought us all some candy, which was really nice. I had to make cupcakes for Jack's class party, but at least I could just make them from a cake mix, and I didn't have to decorate them or do anything ridiculous like I had to for the Halloween party. Thank God. I still don't know why I had to go all out for that thing. Whatevs.

Also, yesterday it started snowing and snowed about 8 inches. Too funny. Oh wait, NO IT WASN'T!!! My arms hurt from shovelling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ohh happy valentines day. will you be my valentine? sarah you need to be excited about NY cause if your not you will have a shit time. be optimistic. if not i will make an itinerary for you. sometimes doing things on your own is good. you can see the things you want to see and not worry if the other person is bored and you can spend as long as you like doing watever and you only have you to worry about. go and see a show with jemma but have fun on your own as well. i will call you as soon as i stop sleeping in. love ya and "dont worry be happy"