Friday, February 23, 2007


I'm working lots of Saturdays, including tomorrow. At least, I think I'm working tomorrow. I hated the way John phrased the question, and he only asked me yesterday: "Are you around Saturday night?" (who's ever just "around" on a saturday night?????), and I was like, "I'm not sure yet what we're doing... and he's like, "well, I have this dinner thing I want to go to" (Frances will be out of town for one of her sorority things) "and i just wanted someone to look after jack."

Me: ummmm.....
John: hey, look, I'm just seeing if you want to, otherwise i can ask sarah.
Me: (thinking why the hell didn't he ask Sarah in the first place????????) Well, I'm not sure yet...
John: Ok, look, whatever, that's fine, we'll work something out.

So I think I'm working, which is stupid because my Saturday is already ruined because I have to take sarah to this exam thing for highschool and pick her up from it, and I know they don't consider that to be working times, cos i'm just dropping off and picking up and doing nothing in the meantime, it means that my Saturday is already broken up and I can't go downtown or something... I can't really do ANYTHING that requires more than an hour or so.

ARGH! I hate how John tries to make me feel guilty into doing something. Or to at least coerce me into doing it like I have the choice. Why not flat out say I need you to work this weekend?? Because then it's HIS decision. The way he does it, I know the meaning is that I really have to do it, but he doesn't want to come out and say it, cos then he's the bad one, and this way it's my decision. GRRRRR.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It doesn't surprise me that this man will be going through a divorce any time aoon. He probably carries on like that with everyone he has to deal with. Boy, would I hate to have to work for him. He is juat some type of horrible blakckmailer. Anyway,you will be leaving pretty soon now so i guess a little bit of blackmail here or there will not make much diffrence to you.
Kind regards.