Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Days are Dragging

Garr. It's Thursday. It feels like it's taken five years to get here. The days take sooooo long.

I told Frances this morning that I'll be leaving on May 22nd, and she's like, "Ok, put it on the calendar." Jack was all, "Aww, what?" And I'm like, "Don't worry bub, you'll probably get an au pair that's a lot nicer and a lot more fun!" He replied, "You're nice enough!! You're plenty nice!" Poor guy. He'll be so much better off with someone who's happy to be here. He's the only one I'll miss when I'm gone.

Everyone says that after six months your time here just flies. I'm waiting for lift-off, but the weeks drag, and I know I'm doing it to myself - I struggle to shower and get dressed before midday. This has just been a recent thing. I struggle to leave the house, and I know that's not good for me. I want to go out for a walk or something, but the cold weather makes me reluctant to even drive to the grocery store. And it's not even just the cold weather - I keep stalling until it's the latest possible time to do anything.

Me being alone with my own thoughts for so long during the day isn't helping, either.


Anonymous said...

poor sarah you are still not very happy are you. i am pleased that at least one of them will miss you after may 22. not very long to wait now is it. winter does tend to put a lot more pressure upon you and therefore you'll feel as if you are carrying the world's
problems on your shoulders. it will soon pass when the weather gets warmer which should happen in about a month to 6 weeks. so hang in there sarah the end is in sight.
kind regards.

Anonymous said...

haha i know whet u mean about being alone with your thoughts for too long being a bad thing! dont u just wish sometimes thatu could just remove all thjoughts from ur head and leave them on a shelf for a while so u can get some peace!!! hehe . i totally agree with jackie, winter is def making u feel worse once the warm weather come back u should start to feel better! and try and get out in the sun a bit, i know its a drag and its beyond even freezing outside, but its proven that sunlight even just 20mins a day lifts your mood (something about chemicals in the brain or something!)cant hurt at least! anyway love u lots take care! xxxooo

Rocket Shop Nanny said...

i know exactly what you are talking about...i got a phone call on australia day when my brother flew home from london for 3 weeks, they are having a bbq and living up the heat...while i was sick with food poisoning and FUCKING american winter! poor thing, i do feel for you!