Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Cold is...

-13ºC, but it really feels like -21º C, according to weather.com. That's cold. And deceptive too, what with the sun being out and all.

So, today I got a call from Harper, the college I attend, saying my class isn't on tonight. Which is awesome, because I'm still pretending I have class. :) I'm so naughty. Not really. I've just been working my arse off and need to get out of here. Tomorrow night Frances has her book club, so I'll be working late, and Thursday she's meeting some friends for drinks, so I'll be working til about 9:30. I'm tired.

So yeah. No idea what I'll be doing tonight. There's a chance I'll go to a movie, but I might just end up at the library. I don't mind either way. That's what my life has become.

I'm going to have a chat to Frances tomorrow night about my hours. I was going to do it tonight, but I don't want her to be hurrying home from her book club tomorrow night and then being shitty with me for making her feel guilty or something for being out. But then again, they ARE her kids....


Anonymous said...

your such a naughty girl... lol just kidding. your wonderful i would do the same, or even tell her i had an extra class i had to take....

Rocket Shop Nanny said...

Cheer up Charlie!

You are lucky you dont have to have the kids during the day too! That would be plain ludacris (I don't think I spelt that right)! I am not going to say anything about my kids, cos I didnt have late hours like you so I, technically, can't say 'oh I know how you feel!'. But on some level, I kinda do. I think that if you aren't having a good time with them, that you should either go home (it's not a failure thing to go) or find another family. I, personally, don't see why you should spend your last months miserable!!

Please, don't take this the wrong way, I am just saying how I think I would go about it! Hope you are doing better and that you are looking forward to your vacation...oh, and I hope talking to Francis helps.

Take care and keep on smiling!

Rhea xo