Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Blah. The last two days have been sooooo boring. Seriously. I'm sure I didn't go over to Lara's place everyday. But I know we used to call each other everyday a few times. :S I've spent the past two days watching TV, going online and finding NOTHING has changed, preparing dinner for the night, calling people and getting their voicemail....

Oh dear!

I should use this time to catch up on my scrapbooking. I'm a little bit behind. By a little bit, I mean I'm up to New York. Anyone remember when that was? Yes, that's right, day 5 of my one year stay.

Might as well do some now, seeing as I'm not going to Starbucks or anything.


Rocket Shop Nanny said...

Oh, I know the feeling! I am up to about month 7 of my stay...and I am HOME!! Haha, I am a dag. Well, I hope things pick up a bit and your not as bored soon! In 3 weeks all my friends' 21st parties start...woot woot! Bit excited! Talk later.

Take Care,

Anonymous said...

hey hun! sounds like my life a little latley. i wakeup go to work come home watch tv or read a book n go to bed again! hahaha. well i sure hope u find stuff to do soon! if ur eva bored try and call me if im not at work i will talk to u n we can keep each other occupied!! hehe love u long time mwa!

Sarah said...

My prob is that I'm bored during the day here, and it's the middle of the night for you guys.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sar, I'm usually up until about 2:30am here so you can call me!! I did have a phone card but god knows where that has gone! but yeah - I'm nocturnal so feel free to call me!

I'm sending you some CDs I have made btw... hope ou like emo music. Don't be scared, seriously give it a chance! It's good music!! It'll give you something to do!

Sarah said...

Dude, I've become such an emo junkie since I got here. Lol. Fave bands atm are The Fray and Panic! At the Disco.

Shame on me!

Anonymous said...

you'll have to find yourself another good friend not that she would replace lara, but all the same it would be nice to have someone to share experiences with.
so all the best and kind regards.

Anonymous said...

did you just say you were an emo junkie? oh god.......