Friday, January 12, 2007

Why I should be at home

I've just gotten out of the shower and noticed that my arms were bright red in the mirror. When I actually look at them close up it's like a huge mother rash has occurred. I have no idea what the hell it is, but it can't be an allergic reaction because I'm on very expensive anti-hystamenes. And it can't be a disease-y type rash because it didn't start on my legs or head. And it doesn't itch or anything. It's weird and splotchy, and hot to the touch.

But I'm not going to the doctor because I can't afford it. Isn't that ridiculous?????? Plus, my ears are all blocked at the moment because yesterday I ran out of my tablets and have to make do with the nose spray until I get paid next week because the medication is over $100.

I tried to diagnose myself online but I couldn't come up with anything.

So yeah, if you don't hear from me for awhile it's because I'VE DIED IN THIS BLOODY COUNTRY BECAUSE I COULDN'T AFFORD TO GO TO THE DOCTOR.


Anonymous said...

why the fuck does everything always happen to you?? get over yourself!!

Anonymous said...

sarah i think you are just a bit depressed bacause of lara's departure, which could explain the sudden rash on your arms. depression shows itself in many different ways; so, how are you sleeping for instance. i wouldn't worry too much about it as it might just go away by itself. of course if it doesn't go away after say about 4/5 days and/or if it gets worse, then you will have to go and see a specialist. but don't forget to tell him/her about lara.
that's about it from me for to-day.
kind regards.
jackie somerville

Sarah said...

"Anonymous", would you please re-read the things you write??? Whingeing about me whingeing on MY blog. And honestly, grow some balls and leave a name. I don't care whether I know you or not, I can't respect you because it's all well to say mean things about someone when you can remain faceless.

Seriously, it's getting old. At first it was funny, now it's just annoying.

Besides, I could be dying. You shouldn't be mean to dying people. ;)

And Jackie, thank you so much for your concern. I don't think it's depression, or at least I hope not. What I'm mostly worried is that it can't be an allergic reaction because of all the anti-hystamines I'm on. Maybe it is stress-induced, if there is such a thing. I'll keep applying hydrocortizone and see how I go.

Where is my nurse, Meaks, when I need her. Diagnose me!!! Cure me!!!

Rocket Shop Nanny said...

all i can say is that you have a secret admirer!! ahahahaha, the anon person just cant seem to get over you, you are that attractive!

Anonymous said...
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