Friday, July 07, 2006

Well, I've been here for just over a month.

My problem is that I haven't made friends with any of the au pairs in my group. Well, I have become friends with one, but that's kind of because she was friends with the old au pair and basically just inherited me. ;)

But my au pair group is what's getting me down. Because I'm with an agency, I thought it would be so easy to make friends. About two weeks after I got here I had my first meeting. I spoke to most people, at least to introduce myself, but everyone was so cliquey. I didn't seem to be able to break into their little groups. And i got no invitations to meet up for coffee or anything like that. But there was another new girl who had arrived earlier that week, and they welcomed her with open arms!

Ok, so that's one thing, so I thought I should try again.

My host family were having a hello/goodbye party for myself and the previous au pair and asked me to invite the group. So I called around. Mostly I got answering machines. I did reach two people. One said she would come, the other said she might be able to come and that she would see whether the other girls would come. But then I never heard anything from any one. I sent an email to everyone because I heard nothing, and GOT NO REPLIES.

I have no idea what to do. I feel like giving up on these girls, because why would I want to be friends with people that rude? But then again, my next year will be so miserable if I don't have people to spend it with. I don't understand the problem though. I'm not too shy, I'm friendly and I make an effort.

They've all been in my position. Shouldn't they be more sympathetic? I seriously don't know what to do.


Anonymous said...

thats ok sarah we all still love u here! who needs a bunch of snobby rude friends anyway! dont worry u wont be miserable the WHOLE, cause im probly gonna come visit u in september anyway! so for like a whole week u will have someone to have coffee with k! see not all bad!

Sarah said...

What, so that's supposed to make me feel better?? Salt+wounds=OW!

Lol. I keed, I keed!

Anonymous said...

Bah, what a bunch of bitches? Can I have their email addresses and tell them off? Maybe plant a rumour about one of the girls and say one of the other girls said it, thus sabotaging the clique and then EVERYONE can be miserable! Mwhahaha!

You’ll make friends eventually. You’re a friendly fun girl, it’s bound to happen. People like you shouldn’t be friendless. Maybe join some hobby groups? Or a soccer team?

Anonymous said...

Dear Sarah
Don't worry too much about a whole lot of silly bitches. I am sure that you will meet someone really nice soon (or maybe 2 or 3) By the way what happened to your Swedish friend & you will gwt visitors from the land of Oz as per Meaks. So chin up & Lol!
Jackie S.

Anonymous said...

you'll be right in time. i'm sure that over the next few months there will be more people that come and you can make friends with them!
most likely there are more au pairs like you that they rejected, so they dont go to meetings anymore. just keep going every now and then and you'll be right.
just remember, its better than the nab.

Anonymous said...

ok sar everyone says it ok you will make friends.... but i think you wont becasue according to rachs physic you are 2 faced and we need to watch out for you. lol.... just kiddin you will find that gorgeous boy next door and wont have time for any friends so it may be best if you save their feelings and not make any friends now. it will happen so y hurt feelings? they will be jealous when your hanging off the arm of your gorgeous boy!!!! lol love you long time